CFDs on Commodities

Tap into the Global Commodity Market and Amplify Your Trading Opportunities.

COCOA image
Buy 8050
Sell 8065
COFFEE image
Buy 230.45
Sell 230.80
Buy 1044.70
Sell 1046.50
COCOA image
Buy 8050
Sell 8065
COFFEE image
Buy 230.45
Sell 230.80
Buy 1044.70
Sell 1046.50
Instrument Contract Size Tick Size Tick Value Min. Trade Size Max. Trade Size Stops Level Trading Hours Trading Break Required Margin
US Cocoa Future
 10 Metric Tones  1. 0.01 $0.10 10 10 Monday 11:45 - Friday 20:29 Daily 20:30 - 11:44 3%
Coffee 'C' Future
37,500 Pounds 0.01 0.01 $3.75 10 50 Monday 11:15 - Friday 20:29 Daily 20:30 - 11:14 3%
Soybean Future
 5,000 Bushels  0.01 0.01 $0.50 10 200 Monday 03:00 - Friday 21:19 Daily 15:45 - 16:29 21:20 - 02:59 3%
  • All times are GMT +3
  • Future CFDs open positions will be rolled over to next active contract

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